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Friday, 22 October 2010 08:28

Tea at my sister’s house…

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Sunday, 24 October 2010 08:26

… and supper at my mum’s house

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Roast leg of lamb with onion sauce, loads of vegetables and a proper home-made cheesecake.

Monday, 25 October 2010 08:26

Woo hoo – a lunch club and we’re going!

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Sunday lunch round a big table with people you don't know - how exciting is that? If you want to go to too, you can see the menu and book here -  http://walnuttreefarmlunchclub.blogspot.com/p/lunch-dates-and-menus.html

Thursday, 28 October 2010 08:24

Dhal for lunch

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So easy, so delicious, so nutritious, so warming and so cheap. A sweet potato and lentil dhal with naan bread - didn't make the bread but I did use coriander seeds out of the garden.

Monday, 01 November 2010 08:24

Cakes in the window

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What we love to see... if only we had more time!

Monday, 01 November 2010 08:23

Something for everyone at the Gardeners Arms

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After football what you really need is a big old plate of roast beef, half a bitter shandy and a chance to read about Arsenal/X Factor in the News of the World - and they serve Sunday lunch here in Tostock until 3pm.

Friday, 05 November 2010 08:22

I love George Debman butchers

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Because he said the piece I wrote about him in last year's Christmas edition of Suffolk magazine was 'sensational'. And he says that if I go to his butchers he will give me a bit of free bacon.

Sunday, 07 November 2010 08:20

Walnut Tree Farm lunchclub

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It was only at the end of our lunch that I realised I was actually in Roger Deakin's farmhouse, looking at the moat he swam in.  I have just been reading 'Notes from Walnut Tree Farm' - Jasmin tells me she gets lots of visitors 'just wanting to have a look' at where he lived and wrote about. Lunch was good - everything home-made with lots of quince chutney made even better with the really good wine we had brought with us. I had some interesting conversations with John but couldn't work out if we were the only ones who didn't know everyone else? That's the problem with Suffolk isn't it - lunch clubs and pop-up restaurants might be just too London for here - but Jasmin will find out and let us all know.

Friday, 05 November 2010 08:19

Bonfire Night

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with mulled wine, soup, sausage rolls, brownies and various  other lovely things.

Friday, 12 November 2010 08:18

Hello Haverhill

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Ladies and gentlemen and other people , this is about to become a website and so I  have been to a training course  (www.phoenixinternetconsultancy.co.uk) in Haverhill to learn how to do it. The sandwiches and freshly made mini -quiches were so good I had to find out where they were from. Around the corner is a cafe where they do a dish of the week (madras beef curry when I went) and other lovely home-made food. Italian meatballs, mozarella and tomato sauce - all home-made, for £3.20 anyone? 

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